

a blog about a family hoping to live up to its street name...with everything constantly new and busy...we hope to be a family of simplicity, not of mind, but in life. A home full of love, life, and the Lord. Adding to a family means change, alot of change and this blog will be our journey - with pictures, stories, videos - this is our family, the ott family. dan, abby, benjamin, myers...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

B Jumpstarting his way to the crawl

So Benjamin and I were driving and we came to a car lot that had one of those crazy looking fan guys.  You know what I am talking about, those tall long legged plastic cut outs connected to a wind tunnel that basically causes him to dance, back and forth, lunging and collapsing, falling and rising, but most of all having some wicked fun on top of said fan .... And Benjamin looked up at me and said - Dad I got that - put me in my bright blue outfit and I will show Johnny Carlot how things are done, and I look at him and say, son you cant walk, or bend down, or crawl, or lunge for that matter, and he looked at me and said 'suit me up naysayer, cant never could do nothing' --- and the rest --- well is for your enjoyment, B doing the jump-crawl-air-trick, he is shaky like the windman and just as fun to watch.

B Rocking the Horse - yeah I just did that...

So what is to follow is a barage of the past couple of months.  They have been busy and many of these memories captured but not shared on the blog, so we will send this memories out like an artist whose work has been lost for a time and is released in perfect conjunction with a anniversary or major shopping holiday ... but in this case there is no special occasion just more time to finally fill out these memories - so this is kinda like the 3rd Tupac CD postmortum then.
On to it....Benjamin and his rocking horse....he is getting ready for his ranching duties coming up this summer, and what better way to prepare than on Pegasus from Disneys Hercules.  Thats right just in case the herds get spread far and wide you have a flying horse to rally them in, and riding high on that horse you will see a boy squealing and kicking like a pro...who needs a G6

Saturday, October 9, 2010

# 2 - A New Way to Sleep ....

No matter when he finds his legs falling through the holes to "the strength shoes / meets trampoline" training system --- he jumps, and he jumps, and he jumps....smiles wide, giggles flow, and the noise of the spring vaulting him to new heights reverberates throughout the house. There isnt a place in the house that you wont be able to assume the look on his face by the sounds coming from both this toy and his newly found voice box.  He loves the jumper.  To say he loves it is an understatement, because often i love you's arent followed with the high pitched squeals found mainly at jonas brother and miley cyrus concerts.  It goes beyond admiration, beyond a connection, its a win - its elation, excitement, its rapture found on the frames of a door.  Its the fight of your biggest fish.  Its the game winning hit.  The last second shot.  Its the first kiss.  The first asking out - met with acceptance.  Its a win.  And wins are nearly always met with a time of celebration and crash - a time to revel in the happiness, and being rocked to sleep by a euphoric dream. 

This is a big win.  And the picture is the spoils of his labor. A  New Way to Sleep in a New Kind of Rocker.

#1 - Johnny Jump this....

New Number system - beware - All things new are now numbered -
#1 First Johnny Jumper Experience -

Monday, September 27, 2010

Bathtime...a recipe for joy...

There are times in a person life when all things seem to just make sense.  Though these times are few, and often last only for short moments they are worth noting, worth writing about, worth remembering.  I had one of those moments the other day in Benjamin's favorite time of the day - Bathtime....

There are times that I miss bathtime because I am out for work and it breaks my heart because this kid goes reckless for something he loves and you can see unadulterated joy beaming from his face down into his body which erupts in flailing, kicking, and squealing - and this is before he is even undressed and in the water ... bathtime ... it is so simple ... he goes batty for it, ecstatic at the mention of bathtime, something shifts in that moment where tears and sadness are literally turned upside down for the anticipation of the water and the chance to splish splash (you are now welcome for the cleverness of the picture - athankyou )

Bathtime...a kid in a tub, with inch high...shows me how to live.  Smile ear to ear with such consistency that it makes my facial muscles hurt - only taking a break when he finds a way to splash water onto his face - which produces a face that is a little scared and unsure which quickly transitions back to then remember the joy of the water and opportunity ... and to continue on.... splashing, squealing, splashing....and finding new ways to make bigger splashes, to wiggle around in the water to make waves, to kick your feet, to smack your arms, to turn back your head and to laugh.

I sit with my arms draped over the tub wanting to participate, thinking about getting him in bed so I can do some 'necessary' things before the day ends, and every time I find myself in awe of his joy, his abandon to the moment, the water, the newness of each splash - its hard to fathom really I am tempted to tell him that you just splashed just like that 2 seconds prior you don't need to celebrate it like its new and then I realize what I have forgotten... how to celebrate each moment, each experience, each splash as the gift that it is - that you have the ability to move your arms, feel the water, the splash, the waves as they change, kick your feet in the pool, smile, squeal, and flail with anticipation for what might be next and how you can make a bigger splash .... to enjoy the creativity of such a good God in the simpleness of an inch of water, in a man made tub, with no toys, just water.  

Benjamin knows how to slow down each day to such a magical moment without even the majesty of nature, yet how fast I can go and miss the joy of each day, each moment, that is filled with the ability to abandon into God's goodness -  in a thunderstorm, a lightning strike, a wave, or a shift in the sands, a bird call or flight from the trees, the blooms of the flower, and the smells from the sea, the heat from the sun, and the cool from the breeze, the moon's rise to the sun's set, the waving of the tree limbs, even the sweat from good day's work, the touch of a loved one, and the smile of a child who is all wet... 

So I sit challenged by a child of 6 months to enjoy the creativity of such a good God in the simpleness of an inch of water, in a man made tub, with no toys, no TV, no music, no 'means' of entertainment, just water. I am challenged to slow down from the outside of the tub - to be present to my boy in the tub, present to his abandon, his joy, his bathtime, and I am also challenged to get in the tub myself. Challenged to slowdown to the day, the blessings, the thorns and thistles, the good times, the hard times, the sweet times, and the weak times. Challenged to enjoy the goodness that is God, learning that joy can lay in a simple once inch of water which laughs in the face of American entertainment, which laughs in the face of our grown up ingenuity's, genius, and wisdom, which laughs in the face of the world...a world that says more is better, that says excess is success, that says these things are joy....which laughs because I just splashed water on my face flailing with reckless abandon.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Day the (Great White Beetle's) Music Died...

She was Good.  Loyal. Dependable. Cute. Efficient. Classy, yet Fun. Full of memories and emotions - Joy, Sadness, Victory, Defeat, Elation, Heartache, but mostly sheer Happiness.  Windows down, Wind in the Curls.  Gerber Daisy looking up smiling as if to say - " I was crafted especially for this car and woman."
But time moves on, Families Grow.... And this post is the Tribute to a Vehicle of transportation, to a Car of 11 years, to a statement, to a iconic ride carrying one of the greatest road games invented, to my first car.  She was good.

All but 34 are mine.  Crazy eh.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A new kind of .... well .... Face Trend

Every once in a while a new trend is allowed to start that transcends itself and becomes iconic, it becomes associated with a whole culture ... in baseball there was the eye black - i know people say its to help with glare, but i have never experienced that reality but i sure did feel a lot tougher and meaner wearing it, it is scary to all pitchers alike... and you have wrestling and face paint, enter the ultimate warrior  - he said no more masks, those get in the way, give me my face paint and i will show you something that fans don no matter the age, a paint they dream about, emulate, sleep in.....and then you take the sunbather - if i can call your attention to the show salute your shorts and the camp director....zink, it revolutionized UV protection and style, not only can you keep your skin cancer free but you can also put your design skills to task.... and so enters Benjamin's creative genius....the oatmeal Gerber mask...a combination of all three....a great look,simple, great for the skin, edible, stylish, good for the hair and eyes, and regularity, UV protecting - and now is wearable to the point of picturesque dare i say Gerber billboards and before you know it, this is your kid, again - creative genius - trend setting to the point of iconic.... before you know it they will come up with a name and culture that all will speak... something like - the Gerber baby - thanks Benjamin Ott.  Here is to you.  Good Day.

Good Day

Monday, August 16, 2010

4 Day Special ... not for the faint at heart

Amazing really....

I was dropping Abby off in Walmart, she was going in to grab some diapers and wipes....

How was she to know that we would need those so soon.  I was driving around the parking lot curious if this was going to be a quick stop or slow.  It just so happens that this day was one of the busiest of the Benjamin and i drive and actually can't find a spot any where near where I could see the entrance so we drive.  We drive.  We dodge around the lot. and drive. and.  as we are driving I am smelling B.  Some background here - he has had some nasty gas since the stop ups coming from the solid foods - so i am thinking that this boy has just passed some special goods but then their lingering smell takes hold...and lingers as we drive.  I look in the rear view and see him smiling just chillin - no cries, no worried face, just enjoying the parking lot driving.  I pick up the wifey in the front with a word of warning that i think he dropped a load, and to watch out for my hat - don't sit on my hat - she ignores the comment so I reiterate it as she moves in the car - not watching out for my hat which she informs me that she has never seen anything like it

We stop in a neighboring parking lot and pull out the wipes...wished we had the camera for a before picture because it was awesome...coming out of his diaper at leg level - kinda like sea level - the imagery you should have here is high tide with the poo about to come over top of the high sand, you know the kind that is soft and fluffy as you pass the dunes. leg pressed against the side of the car seat poo pooling in corner. Maybe this will be a better picture - Benjamin's left leg functioning as a dam regulating the poo that might possibly come over top...k that might be more information than you were going for but i feel like i wanted to give you that since we werent able to get pictures. 

Clean up was quite strenuous, we go through both of our travel boxes to open the fresh wipes we just bought.  And so we have pooh everywhere - we are the family laughing holding our kid away from the body as we don't want to wear it too - scrapping his clothes off.  Wiping his legs, back, fingers thats right he grabbed the poo at the end.  Overflowing diaper, 30 + wipes, a full trash bag.  What a gift he wanted to give us on the ides of August.... - a poo and shakespeare-ish reference in one post (check)

Good day.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Flying High

In the best sense of the term...

Abby, Dan, and B went on our first flying excursion.  Using Allegiant Air from MB to K-town.  It was a short flight but always a big deal.  Tense.  Thinking did i bring everything.  Do i need to have the long version of Benjamin's birth certificate.  Will i go on the trip if wife and child cant, i know its my 10 year high school reunion, but will i go.  Tense.  But quite enjoyable as well, getting to do things for the first time with my boy is always good times.  Rolling the stroller around an airport terminal in hopes that he will stay chilled before the flight, no one likes the loud baby right, and trying to quickly break down said stroller and car seat fast enough so that the people who are in a hurry, for who knows what - seriously to get the best luggage compartment are bearing down the connection at break neck speed, honestly it was a fun game i played, i actually was thinking about boxing out a dude so that my wifey and i could beat him - he looked clumsy and i was just trying to take care of my boy - remember no one likes a crying baby on a plane even if its still on the ground and a clumsy walker flails his arms too much and an elbow to the dome of a baby is bad news.  So new things, like rolling two carry on bags at the same time around people who dont see a baby stroller is something from a video game - remember paper boy - when the mom and stroller would take you out.  Any way all of this this was the pre flight and post flight excitement as my boy held this above posture throughout both flights, he was fantastic, eating on the plane, sleeping, given its only a 45 minute flight, but you have to walk before you can run.... so all this is to say .... Benjamin's first and second flights went fantastic, mom and dad made it there and back through tense and enjoyable times, and allegiant air give or take some other crying babies was great.  So Cheers.  Here is to you pilot who doesn't like hearing his voice over the intercom to wake up all sleeping babies, our flight back was a leisurely cruise and you are to thank.  Good day.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Cousins Ott Visit

Cousins .......
What a good time Benjamin has been having with his cousins.....  They are good peoples.  This is Harper Grace.  This was the first time that they got to spend time together.  The first time Benjamin got to show H.G. how he learned how to spit bubbles and the first time Harper got to call Ben - BABY!...

Its amazing how fast they grow - I remember when H.G. was Benjamins size and age, remembering at Christmas when she was learning how to walk with the new Lion walk behind bus thing, and 6 months went by and she was walking and talking and kissing my boy on the head.....

Truly amazing.

We Miss H.G.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Trip to Beaufort, sounds like Bewfort not Bofort

The Ott Hare Tribe downtown Beaufort.

Beaufort has a really cool downtown, with an amazing park, we spent quite a bit of time down there with back porch swings lining the river walk, and a kids play place that makes for hours of play - with the next generation of the merry go round play least that is what i am going to call it - you remember the rusty ol piece that one person would jump on and his friends would spin around as fast as possible then leaving them swinging without any way off without broken bones and throw up.....well the next generation was a climbable feature - 3 levels on a pole so there are levels of kids being spun around in circles as fast as possible with a new element in play - elevation - not only can you fall off a merry go round spinny thing and break your bones but you can also break bones while getting serious air - amazing i know.
so you have a great downtown with good friends, mix in perfect weather during a storm forcast day, breeze coming off the river it was a great trip...

Here is Miss Olivia Rae holding her almost other brother give or take blood, ancestry, and the obvious a natural i know, she has a younger brother.  who is also below in silly picture time with the boys....BT, Benjamin, Topher, and Jakob...check it Benjamin and Topher's cry face works out perfectly in the picture.... they are naturals at this.

The Kids all together.

Travel time to grandparents = photo-ops

Feets in the Sand

First time for everything....this is the first for the new beach local to experience the beach....

Here is his momma having fun with him too....she loves him its true.  notice the hand hug going on while my boy stands up.  its true he stands, the hand hug is her way of saying she loves him and is glad he enjoys the beachy sand....We had friends come down to visit sporting the pop up tent, so that the boy wouldn't get fried since he isn't allowed to wear sunscreen yet so sayeth his doctor.  Beach Trip #1 you are privy too, right now.
Our Friends
Adam, Elijah, Audry, Molly

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mother's Day at Brookgreen Gardens

A Mother's Day under the Live Oaks @ Brookgreen Gardens

This for those who do not know, and have been to Biltmore is the Biltmore grounds of NC minus the expanse that is called the house at Biltmore and the obvious location differences, so to say it again there is no house on this property but the art, scenery, sculptures, gardens, history are just as brilliant if not more....And so Mother, Son, and Husband went to celebrate her day by taking in all of the beauty that God has given us, the trees for instance that you can see in the background of this picture have to be several hundreds of years old, live oaks, adorning a courtyard the size of a football field, the courtyard is known as live oak alley - i know not too creative but very descriptive at least.  These trees tower over us, covered in grandfather moss providing shade that only the dogwoods dare to dream of in East TN.  The beauty was truly special, the artists are one of a kind in their work, as this is the modern era though still before technically the modern art movement (beware small rant) which though challenges the mind to think, ponder, impose, and deconstruct is usually nothing more than a 9th grade level of shop skill and art class (rant over - you may continue to read here if a fan of modern art), but this work with bronze, silver, and many other fine metallic substances like methrial is top class in detail, design, description, and beauty - couldnt think of another d word.  And so here is our trip, to an amazing place in the Inlet....

and here are a couple more pictures of my amazing wifey on mothers day in the gardens with her boy....

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Blessing of the Inlet & March - April Visitors

at the Blessing of the Inlet with Family Ott and Julia Branham.  you gots to love you some kettle corn and funnel cake ----- oooooo0

Good Family And Friends

Friday, April 23, 2010

Guy Smiley

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die...a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance... Eccl.3...and i would like to add a time to smile.

I have a theory that i am going to give voice .... right now ....

The reason that children sometimes smile when they have gas is a merciful gift from the Lord. You see the picture and Benjamin looks like he is ecstatic with happiness, joy, elation, and all other synonyms for awesomeness, yet we know that he doesnt yet have the capacity to really control the smiles and put them together with those emotions breaks your heart there...and so he smiles when he has gas, so its a gas face, the mercy is that his smile lightens your mood, takes weight from your heart in spite of knowing that his stomach isnt right and his body is all mixed up....and so this time of pain for him and you as a parent - finds mercy and levity with a small smile .... and when you are awakened in the middle of the night to stomach issues and cries, when you are having trouble walking because of sleep deprevation, or feeling sane for not knowing even what you are thinking - we receive a smile

and our hearts smile, and we smile and dance in that moment...

- there is a season for everything, and we thank you Lord for it -

Cheers to my boy Guy.

Monday, April 12, 2010

A few things I like to do

Resting in my favorite chair- Mom likes this one too!

spending time with Daddy after he has been at work all day!

Going to the Pool and Hanging Out with my cousins Tanner and Landis

spending time with Jakob, Brant, Olivia, and Topher

experiencing the luxury of an 11 year old VW Bug

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

says Benjamin

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

An ongoing online album...

Our Favorite Sounds...

Sounds so sweet, but can suprise you awake...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Great Pee Bath begins at a normal diaper change and the exposing of bens manhood...mind you this isnt the first time that once unwrapped the pee flood began but this was the best, this was a flash flood of sorts....thankfully i was recently taught the cross leg hand sheild at the pediatrics and this was crucial in protecting abby and myself, as well as the world surrounding - the carpet, the furniture, the ceiling....and due this shield the spray was redirected downward, the spray was redirected on my boy. abby and i look at each other with a smirk and laugh knowing that this is gross on all accounts but cute in a wierd way. he is dripping in pee, he is laying in pee, and continuing to pee. abby and myself are leaning over Benjamin laughing at the scene - he just did what came natural to a boy drinking fluids all day, but what a horrible way to go at it, and wear it for that pee is surrounding our boy and laughter is in the air, that is until we realize that his head has just found its way into a puddle, and then laughter turns into something more as we proceed to wash him down with a wash cloth finishing the change. What a night, what a pee, and what amazing technology that keeps the pee from soaking into all of the things that he flooded...and so we learn...what?... i don't know...and so we laugh a lot. what a journey this will be.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Our Boy....




7 lbs 12oz

20 inches

March 11, 2010

With the deepest blue eyes i have ever looked into, the softest skin, and little hairs on the ears that are suprisingly cute....its been said before that your heart stretches the more you love, that everytime you allow love in, you learn more about what it means to love and be loved. But no one could have ever prepared me for how quickly or how absolutely such a thing could happen for someone so small...and so we begin the journey. God have mercy on this child as he is under our care for a little while...may he learn what it means to glorify God and enjoy him fully for the rest of his days...and may he never know a day without you