

a blog about a family hoping to live up to its street name...with everything constantly new and busy...we hope to be a family of simplicity, not of mind, but in life. A home full of love, life, and the Lord. Adding to a family means change, alot of change and this blog will be our journey - with pictures, stories, videos - this is our family, the ott family. dan, abby, benjamin, myers...

Sunday, December 25, 2011

And Merry Christmas....

Merry Christmas

this is our celebration...

may your day be as full of cheer, falls and all.

And Thanksgiving

Just a couple of sweet picture memories.......

Knoxville Thanksgiving '11

Grams, Harper, and B at Memaws - Swing chilling.

Nana's Swing - Again more Chilling.

HuGGing a Dog.  Love some Maggie.

It was as the pictures show a great time of relaxing with family.  Much food, and much to be thankful for especially what lyeth below

 Jenny putting on a clinic.

Initially the competitive juices look on in embarrassment, losing the mancard, and chest hair and all that...but then, but then I thought to myself, here is a girl able to shoot - dudes beware, bon jovis' shot through the heart and your too blame is at hand if you break her heart - and the spread should strike fear.  Proud Brother, okay being the 2nd best shot of the chillun. 

Finally Halloween....

Day 1 - Community Party.


Ran around the jumper for the first 30 minutes.  At first he was checking it out, then I think he was honing his ninja monkey skills weaving in between the tie downs, back flips, belly rolls, wall walks - it was special.

Hayride - it was cold, I am glad the driver needed a spotter (company)
- had to take my jacket off, just saying.
Day 2 Halloween Night.

The candy grab, and more.  It took him a while to get going.  Mom had to show him the ropes with the carting around of the giant pumpkin face bucket and knocking on the doors.  trick or treat - wasn't necessary, as the home owners were all mesmerized and focused on something else. B had this tendency to just walk into peoples houses. If they opened the door to give him candy, then they opened the door to their worlds....almost like the cops - if you open the door then they are coming in (that advice was free all you college kids)....anyway our neighbor deter had been spying this action, unwilling to let the likes of a monkey in his house he was prepared.  A little back story on this is helpful, you see there is a nurse in the house and we all know that nurses realize the dangers and potential harm and disease that come with monkeys - thus no monkeys or small swinging primates allowed. So If you notice the action done by Deter, a seasoned vet at keeping out monkeys and the like ....step 1 door open but only to the point necessary for your body to squeeze through no more, step 2 slowly push through maintaining the door crack hindering the more agile and smaller sneaks access, step 3 closing the door behind you while using the body as a shield.....well played....Deter was wise enough to bring his re-enforcements to the door as B began his knock and duck in the house routine, garnering the likes of a ferocious guard dog named bailey access was denied, but and this is a big but B scored with the favorite Candy of the Night - M&Ms - the original - good times, first walking trick or treat. enjoy.



Check the almost beautiful orange and the sock monkey goodness - his best bud Turn Turn

Belly Laughs and Sugar Highs.

hey girl...

Hope you enjoy Halloween on Christmas - we have been having technical difficulties of late.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Galloping in the....

So it went down like this. Imagine a puddle to the depth of a nice baby bath, coming up to the mid-headish region, now imagine that water on the asphalt, and mix in some muddy water, and asphalt pebbles, and a friend and you have the perfect puddle for a jumpin - and probably drain about half of that water out now that your imagination is good and warmed up because that would be playing in a flash flood and SCDSS would get called on us.

Galloping in the rain. In the video below you will catch a glimpse of the 'gallop' - the gallop is one of B's patented moves. When he gets excited he pulls out the gallop which is a half skip, jump, dance move. And since he is a 19month old he gets excited alot about a plethora of things to which the gallop is unleashed on the world. Now as cute and playful as the gallop may seem by definition and description, its a dangerous move that shouldn't be tried by all - for example people with bad hips and/or extremities - you might want to sit this move out....consider this the don't get on this roller coaster if you are pregnant or shorter than 4'8'' warning. Benjamins Gallop, though often used, has yet to be fully mastered, the technical moves and excitement have yet to come into full choreographic rhythm and what you sometimes get is the occasional trip, or the occasional trip half roll which leaves your shirts looking like this when tried in puddles......

Enjoy the Gallop in the October Puddles....

Monday, September 26, 2011

What Up Frisbee Golf

Par 2 win

We have some difficulty with the distance - This was a par 3 for 18 month olds....

And We are sitting at + 4 now on this sunny afternoon. Did you notice the focus before his put, the steadied breathing, the wind up, the follow through - competitive frisbee world beware.  But wait a minute upon further review as we checked the replay we noticed 3 kicks and an extra step - its pretty obvious that he picked that trick up somewhere yet per his cuteness and stealth - apart from replay - this minor infraction went unnoticed ... now call me a traditionalist folks but when it comes to frisbee golf - if in real time the call is not made it doesn't hold up in replay.... + 4 is not too shabby.  Holes 3-18 coming in the near future.

Our Local ZOO

Waccatee Zoo.
Waccatee Zoo was once described to me as a place or business whose origin has to be traced back to group of rednecks who got together one day and decided that they wanted to own exotic animals, and before they knew it they had enough of them to call it a zoo. A place full of your typical animals expected to be found at a zoo, but overrun with peacocks and chain linked fences. Welcome to Waccatee Zoo Day.

Now before you get to this next picture ... imagine ..... just imagine the excitement that would be present upon my entering the zoo and hearing about hybrid animals....

A ZONKEY - a mixture of zebra and donkey. Its color and markings could almost be likened to an over zealous Texas fan poorly coloring a zebra in his first coloring book. This spotchy burnt orange and white striped Zonkey brought with it such an excitement ... was I about to find my favorite animal ever - the elusive, the improbable, the uncanny (not really sure what that word means but I know its in front of Xmen so it would definitely work here) ----- LIGER. The cross between a Lion and Tiger. Thanks to the wisdom and insight of one Napoleon D. who swayed me from my childhood position of thinking that a horse with eagle wings was the bestest cross ever- it should also be known that I would originally name and patent this cross as a Pegasus. Back to it, I was in search for a LIGER ... would it, could it, because it definitely should be here if anywhere.

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Did you see it, Who would have thought it would be so magnificent, truly an awesome creature. 7 feet tall and 13 long. It was everything I have dreamed about, gold, orange, and black striped, with the mane of the lion. My dreams have come true...and my boy was not scared of it, grabbing the chain link and shaking, reminding the animal of mans command for dominion, he said my earth, mine, impressed yet?

Honestly after this video, which if I might say so is quite a bit more convincing than most bigfoot sightings, has raised the bar to such heights that the remainder of the visit might go by as dull - yet we have provided it below just in case your curiosity remains.

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Feeding was actually encouraged. Truly. Be it the greenery around the pins, or the 24 Oz souvenir cups filled with feed that you would expect to find at a petting zoo....momma is still quite quick on her feet protecting the fingers of one young boy whose little nubs resemble small pellets of food
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And finally, the chasing of the peacock in the rain....
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Great Times at Waccatee Zoo.

Friday, September 2, 2011

A top the throne

I was thinking about one of the great scenes in movie history, from the academy award winning best-picture-made-in-front-of-a-green-screen-and-never-on-site movie ( a category many weren't aware of - but that didn't sneak by me )..... 300. This scene takes place half way through the movie, where the 300 Spartans were standing in front of King Xerxes as he was sitting on top of his throne - standing in between the pass, before Sparta. Now this scene has great instruction to us here in the u.s. ( & yes that was on purpose ) who don't know of a kings throne, his entrance, his company, the majesty of it all, and the extravagance that makes giant pandas and miniature giraffes (YouTube the commercials) look like an afterthought for a lesser king still. It in part shows the significance of a king and his throne, the respect and presence at his feet, and how the masses make way for their king.

Xerxes is atop of a throne, a story high, golden stairs, golden throne, golden laced and adorn landscape 20 meters high, wide, and deep. This throne though is mobile, mind you no less exhaustive and extravagant, a throne that if placed on modern wheels would be pulled by 3 elephants though not the kind pictured from dumbo but more like the ones from lord of the rings that are strong enough to mount small cities on their backs. Yet to incite terror and utter subjugation, this King has his peasants, slaves, and servants carrying this monstrosity on their backs. A truly magnificent scene and a grand entrance.

.... Scene recreated.... Enters Benjamin on top of his naturally brazen wooden throne with landscape adorn with blue, red, and white balloons draped like a canvas above .... The crowds look on in awe, - applause limited due the reverence and elation. Smiles wide, and hearts full as they create a path, a parting of the sea if you will, a path that would take us to our destination - to the place that we were not allowed to pass until the price was paid in full.

And yes that price was duly paid....


Monday, August 15, 2011

The Elmo Stare

Elmo, Elmo, Elmo, Elmo, Elmo, Elmo, Elmo, Elmo, Elmo, Elmo,

You have seen the video, and heard these words from B's mouth - now here is the picture of focus on his face as his favorite red monster is on the screen. It's amazing how much he loves Elmo. Enjoy.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

And so he has hypnotized another....

YouTube Video

Sesame Street has figured something out. One of the first things out of his mouth when he wakes up, when mom and dad sit down on the couch which is in front of the TV, or when we pick up our phones - thank you YouTube app.

I am not sure the draw of this androgynous red creature with high pitches and catchy songs, but one thing can be said of it .... And that is he? has the heart of small children just like cookie monster has the appetite of a small village. (Your welcome PBS for giving another character some love).

Elmo has officially entered our home ... Lala Lala

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Stuff animal stack

2 minute video of B and his animals. Not too much cuter than a naked baby showing a little animal recognition. Good times.

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Is it because of the Women's World Cup?

Working on our flops....

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He will only continue with a laugh, arguably similar they will only continue in shown pain with attention as well....

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Problem was, as you might imagine, I later found out this diaper was not clean.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sanity and the Mall

Oh yes. You ask can that really go together with a child - sanity and the mall - to which I reply a-he'll-yes (apparently the auto spell check doesn't like the word he'll - see changed it again) so we are driving back from the land of the milk, honey, and trout...aka....east tennessee.  And yes the borders of the promise land have extended just as in the times of david and solomon, I think that the mountains and streams of Bristol and Johnson City are an apt addition to the goodness that is South Knoxville.  So back to this, we are driving back from this blessed land knowing that we have a 6.5 hour drive ahead of us.  Mom, Dad, Child, in a Passat Wagon TDI Silver.  We time the departure perfectly, hoping for a 2 - 2.5 hour nap, one stop that is dinner, and we make good time all the way to the Inlet of Murrells.  Problem is that Benjamin was not aware of said schedule.  Less than an hour into the drive, his eyes creep open to a full on alert i-am-talking-and looking-around.  Abby and I remain quiet and as still as possible, while still remaining responsible in our driving.  We hope and pray that our child didn't just wake up on the outskirts of Asheville with 5 hours to go.

Thinking back, Garth Brooks had this song that I used to jam to back in high school, thats right you can jam to country, anyway it was titled, Unanswered Prayers - to which the jist of the song essentially deals with a couple of circumstances where Garth, formally known as Chris Gaines, then returning to Garth Brooks prays that God would give him the current desires of his heart - the girl, the future, etc. - but those prayers go unanswered and the song is Garth Gaines' looking back thankful that these prayers go unanswered due the beauty that is his life now, beyond even the expectations and fantasies of that girl, future, and john deer green tractor maybe? 

This was not one of those situations.... even in spite of the awesomeness that is below.....this ride was long, this ride was stressful, and this ride was primarily awake....

Half way through our ride, we are hungry, and by we I mean we.  And B is tired of riding and by tired I mean screaming.  So we stop in Columbia at Columbiana Place in search of the food court.  We are thinking it will probably be good to let B run around a bit, work those restless legs - he wouldn't be able to do that in a fast food joint, would he?  thus the mall call.....  And as soon as we walk in our sanity arrives and so does the following madness. Enjoy.


Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011

5 Years Anniversario

5 Years Ago....

This Man, Terry Wayne Pardew, a photographer, father, and Subway subs enthusiast.

gave away this daughter.....

to be married to this man....

Just Kidding.  TO this man....

whose best man was this guy.....

Larry Junior Ott, an engineer, father, and a turtle necked Rollie Fingers mustached man

The couple, then sending out this picture, reminds the world that they were to be married on this day 5 years ago.

And for a man without any wedding photos on his computer we will quickly skip this section with obvious mention to the fact that it was a beautiful hot June afternoon at a quarry in Mooresville, NC. Abby looking stunning in gown, walking a 1/2 mile to be met by a handsome red eyed soon to be husband rocking the likes of after hours formal wear and a ninja.  Beautiful service, Exquisite food, Fun times at reception, and bubbles for the exit.

Seriously - important detail from picture one - her Father is a photographer.  So with many to choose from but favorites found, here is the entire cast of said wedding, big group, big place...

and then the up close....

Honeymooned here....

And came back like this....

Cant believe its been five years today.  Time has flown by yet sits still often.  Happy Anniversario de 5 anos.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Getting work done.

So it's been said that a father is supposed to instill a certain work ethic, a certain training, a certain skill set to there children.... Is it too early?

Maybe, or just maybe B is ready.

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A man should know how to clean up his work space, the garage is his domain. What will you do without a clean garage and driveway ? - nothing is the answer you are looking for.... And so we bring out the he voicing his complaint in this video? Maybe, but I hear his proud groans of accomplishment and so we go for more.

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Sweeping .... Check

Now onto maneuvering the heavy equipment, it can be noted that this piece of machinery does not come under the category of heavy equipment circa bobcat and bulldozer, but should be realized that to his body and weight this is a heavy piece to push.

Step 1 - do alongside

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Step 2 - go for it.

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Step 3 - realizing that there are more steps in the teaching process. And then cleaning up the mess from the demolition derby....yes his orange car dominated....and yes clean up is required.

Home depot cart pushing ...
check minus.

After all who fails and flunks out anymore. Here is to you most valued player - yeah I went there. Upward and good intentioned christian why do you ruin the good things in life..."€ (making a new symbol for the ending of a rabbit trail).

Enjoy the journey with us as we continue to get the work done, surely there is more to come, my procreated work force still has some landscaping, plumbing, and overall house maintenance and repair to learn. Good day.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Allegiant Airtime

Waving goodbye to Myrtle Beach. I was enthralled by this new world, it was like the road was running with me, the trees and bushes were a blur and then we jumped up or at least it felt like a jump only to come down an hour later. Slowly the world was again changing. I still was watching those same trees and bushes but they were getting smaller and smaller until it looked like I could just reach down and pick them up to put beside my Cow and Pig in my little tikes barn - Farmer Joe would have been excited to say the least. If only I was able to get to them, if only, but there was some foggy thick glass I kept busting my hand against.

And then it happened everything went white, the small trees and little bitty things were no more and all I could see was white. Until a small piece of light made it's way to my window followed by another, until the sky opened up and we were on top of some winter wonderland, igloos, snow mountains, and rolling white I have seen snow but this was altogether something else, this is what all my cartoons tried to capture for snow scenes, this is what Disney uses for "celebration, FL's" yearly design (google it it's worth your time). Beautiful, fluffy, and perfectly drawn I am seeing the beauty and glory of God in this creation and I am overwhelmed....and so I look for a reprieve, I need to pull back to withdraw into something familiar, something I can get lost in, to essentially pinch myself into reality.

Thanks Baby Einstein, I focus to the distraction of nothing and no one, I am in my zone. And now my flight is almost complete. Officially Tennessee bound in my Allegiant Airplane.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

6 Hide and seek

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We haven't figured out the tricks was a quote from Benjamin when asked about it ... "I keep falling for the 'where is Benjamin' question and never get to hide 2 times in a row, I have got to get better at recognizing the enemy."

Monday, May 2, 2011

Disinterested in competition or just this egg race?

This was really funny to watch - know that for you to be able to join in the moment you might have to tilt your head a bit.

And the egg spoon race.

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Easter egg progressions

Egg and basket beginnings

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And yes someone did say look alive at the end of this video.....

Now a minute later....

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Oh yeah....and fast forward 4 hours later....

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That's what I'm talking about -

And ....

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We digress finishing off with the basket dump. So great and so profound. He said to me - dad - what I get I give away, finders aren't keepers - it's only mine for awhile. So I will bless others with my booty - that's pirate talk - since the parents were in obx mom has randomly been elongating her r's and dad has been using ocean slang and wearing pirate patches. But now the writer digresses.

Now we are Dreaming about the hope for more egg hunts to come. Father we know that each day is a blessing, and we are grateful for each moment with such a sweet boy - thank you for these moments.

Enjoy the Easter videos, we did too.

One for the road

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